
Video Poetry

 Video Poetry

WRIT LARGE festival, The Great Wall, Oakland, USA 2016

WRIT LARGE festival, The Great Wall, Oakland, USA 2016

America a videopoem and Concept videopoems

“Regarding America a videopoem — my Manifesto presents at least two approaches to begin interpreting the work: (1) does the work, contain the constraint of text (displayed or voiced) and (2) which category best represents the work? The "captions" or displayed text – bang and click – affirms that the work does contain the constraint of text; the category that best represents the work is Concept or Conceptual Videopoems.


In its conceptual reading, three iterations of a "shot" – a cowboy pointing his gun at the camera, pulling the trigger nine times, 6 shots and 3 "clicks" – questions and (as the Formalists would suggest) "lays bare the device" of the action presented for appreciation. Attention is brought to the three constitutive elements, Text, Image and Sound, revealing "sound" as the dominant element”.

- Tom Konyves, Oct. 4, 2018

FULL TEXT (pdf download)


(Visual) Aids, W. Mark Sutherland, CAN, 1993

“If videopoetry is the interaction of three elements, or modes of expression, i.e. text, image and sound, Kinetic Text includes those works in which the text appropriates to itself the role of the image; it is a concrete-poem-inspired assertion that words (also letters and punctuation marks) can signify additional meanings by virtue of their appearance. It is also a controlled reading experience, self-reflexive in its presentation of rhythmic motion (accelerated/decelerated) and on-screen duration while always in contact with a counterpointed soundtrack.

By definition, the title of a work is the dominion of text. W. Mark Sutherland’s parentheses present an alternate reading of ‘what is to follow’; the emphasis is on the function of the visual characteristics of the text – its shape, color and motion – intensifying the emotional content (AIDS) in the resulting poem”.

- Tom Konyves, August 28, 2013, Movingpoems


PROYECTOR, Gallery Secuencia de Inútiles, Madrid, Spain, 2021
Loops.Expanded, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Lisbon, Portugal, 2020
WRIT LARGE - A Festival of Text, The Great Wall, Oakland, USA, 2016
Poésie/Traduction/Film, Utopia Cinema, Universite de Paul Valery, Montpellier, France, 2015
This is Not a Script, OFFoff Art Cinema, Ghent, Belgium, 2013
E- Poetry Conference, Kingston University, London, England, 2013
Loop Videoart Festival, Barcelona, Spain, 2009
Text Festival, Bury Art Museum and Bury Sculpture Centre, Bury, England, 2009
Video Bardo Festival of International Video Poetry, Buenos Aries, Argentina, 2009
VideoPoesia, Museo Caixa Forum, Madrid, Spain, 2008
VideoPoesia, Museo Caixa Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 2008
Optica Festival de Videoarte, Gijon, Spain, 2007
The First Italian Festival of Videoclip Poetry, Rome, Italy, 2006
Festival Instant Video, Aix en Provence, France, 2006
VideoPoesia, Museo Caixa Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 2006
VideoBardo Festival of International Video Poetry, Buenos Aries, Argentina, 2004
Interolerti - 2nd Festival Internacional de Poesia Experimental, Sanz-Enea Galleries, Zarautz, Spain, 2003
Videopoesia, Museu da Imagem e do Som, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2000
Elvideoylapoesia – Lapoesiayelvideo, Centre For Contemporary Culture, Barcelona, Spain, 1999
III IInternational Video Sound Poetry Festival, Link, Bologna, Italy, 1998
III International de Poesia Visual, S.E.S.C. Gallery, Bento Goncalves, Brazil, 1988
La Coscienza Luccicante, Palazzo Delle Esposizioni, Rome, Italy, 1988
The National Poetry Festival, Museum Of Contemporary Art, Chicago, USA, 1988
Poesia Intersignos, Paco Das Artes, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1988
Polipoesia, Container (Centro Cultura Contemporanea), Florence, Italy, 1997
Bologna Sogna – Videoviaggio, Villa Del Rose, Bologna, Italy, 1997
Strumenti A Voce, University Of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 1995