Scratch Robert McLaughlin.jpg



Scratch Robert McLaughlin.jpg

(…) In Scratch, the word not only becomes object, visually and phenomenally, but produces sound objects. The word is also, most likely, enacted by the interacting viewer, whose footwear is apt to scratch the trodden copies. In Scratch, space operates on several levels. There is the visual space around and within the word on the record grooves, the sonic space around the clicks, the physical space within which the installation resides, and the space that the artist affords the viewer for the making of her own choices., there being no overt invitations or prohibitions specified within or outside the work. (…) - Paul Dutton

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Poetische Positionen II, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Germany, 2006

Poetische Positionen II, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Germany, 2006

Scratch exhibitions
2002 The Koffler Gallery, Toronto Canada
2003 The Peterborough Art Gallery, Peterborough, Canada
2004 The Thames Gallery, Chatham, Canada
2005 The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, Canada

Scratch single installation exhibitions
1998 Broadview 5.1, ACC Gallery, Weimar, Germany
2006 Poetische Positionen II, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Germany
2015 Electric Eclectics, Meaford Museum, Meaford, Canada

ACC Gallery, Weimar, Germany, Broadview 5.1, 1998

ACC Gallery, Weimar, Germany, Broadview 5.1, 1998

Notes and Songs from the Pan American Highway, W. Mark Sutherland:

Oral Cavity, W. Mark Sutherland:

Cross Rhythm and White Noise, Nobuo Kubota and W. Mark Sutherland:
